Words matter when math teachers describe student learning

Think back to math class in elementary school. Do you remember being assigned to a "high," "middle" or "low" group? If so, you'll relate to a new study from North Carolina State University on the importance of how teachers ...

Mathematics is beautiful (no, really)

For many people, memories of maths lessons at school are anything but pretty. Yet "beautiful" is a word that I and other mathematicians often use to describe our subject. How on earth can maths be beautiful – and does it ...

Top maths tips for parents preparing for the school year

With recent reports showing Australian performance in Mathematics has stagnated over the years, Dr Catherine Attard from Western Sydney University believes the new school year is a time for parents to take the extra step ...

Don't freak if you can't solve a math problem that's gone viral

It's been quite a year for mathematics problems on the internet. In the last few months, three questions have been online everywhere, causing consternation and head-scratching and blowing the minds of adults worldwide as ...

Compulsory science and maths is great but there's more to be done

Federal Education and Training Minister Christopher Pyne today met with his state counterparts to confirm his proposal to make science and maths compulsory for year 11 and 12 students. This is to be applauded by the scientific ...

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