Enforcing gender quotas increases boardroom diversity and quality

An organization that is required by national law to have significant female representation on its board of directors sees higher diversity and skills than those in countries that simply advise on quotas, according to research ...

National education reformers target local school boards

Local school board elections increasingly are becoming a national political battleground, as millions of dollars in campaign cash pours in from out-of-state donors in the name of education reform, indicates new research led ...

Kenneth Miller reviews Dover model of standing up for science

In a Harrisburg, Pa., Federal courtroom 11 years ago, Brown University biologist Kenneth Miller was the first witness in a historic takedown of Intelligent Design's pretense of scientific relevance. In the context of ongoing ...

'No Child Left Behind' leaves some voters behind

When public schools receive failing grades, turnout increases in local school board elections, according to research from Duke University's Sanford School of Public Policy. However, turnout increases unequally, with very ...

Study: The effects of school board makeup on student performance

School boards are one of the foundations of the American educational system, yet little research exists on their effects on student performance. A University of Kansas professor has published a study showing that when a school ...

Americans support local control of schools

Despite criticism that local school boards are "dinosaurs" that need to be replaced, Americans support local control of their schools, Michigan State University education scholars argue in a new paper.

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