Book looks at how landscape design helps solve water issues

North America's inland watersheds hold and provide 95% of the continent's fresh water and 20% of the world's fresh water, but the infrastructure used to manage those water systems has led to problems that include soil and ...

OCR4all: Modern tool for old texts

Historians and other humanities' scholars often have to deal with difficult research objects: centuries-old printed works that are difficult to decipher and often in an unsatisfactory state of conservation. Many of these ...

My CV is gender biased. Here's what I plan to do about it

As a woman working in the environmental sciences, it was always obvious to me that most of my colleagues are men. This tended to focus my attention on surviving in a field in which I automatically contribute to diversity ...

Donald Trump's Space Force plans analysed by a sci-fi expert

The US leadership has plans to introduce a "US Space Force" by 2020. Already announced by president Donald Trump in June, US vice president Mike Pence outlined further details of the plan at a press conference on August 9. ...

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