Three ways to improve scholarly writing to get more citations

Researchers from University of Arizona and University of Utah published a new paper in the Journal of Marketing that examines why most scholarly research is misinterpreted by the public or never escapes the ivory tower and ...

Product proliferation may not work for certain products

Companies that manufacture or sell products are often constrained by the amount of resources they can dedicate to one product. Many companies enact a strategy known as product proliferation, where one product is given many ...

Early human landscape modifications discovered in Amazonia

In 2002 Professor Alceu Ranzi (Federal University of Acre) and Prof. Martti Parssinen (University of Helsinki) decided to form an international research team to study large geometric earthworks, called geoglyphs, in the Brazilian ...

Review of arsenic speciation in mushrooms from China

Arsenic (As) is a natural environmental contaminant to which humans are usually exposed in water, air, soil, and food. China is a typical high-As region, and also a great contributor of the world production of cultivated ...

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