Can we protect Earth from space weather?

In early September 1859, the Northern Lights could suddenly be seen as far south as the Caribbean. The cause was a geomagnetic solar storm—specifically a coronal mass ejection, now dubbed the Carrington Event, after the ...

'Threat multiplier': How climate change affects health

Deadlier than COVID, or even rivalling cancer? Researchers have been increasingly attempting to calculate the effect climate change will have on health if the world does not act quickly to reduce carbon emissions.

A lasting impact: Microplastics settling into soil

Whether we like it or not, plastic is a major part of our lives. The production and use of plastics has been found to create a problem because "microplastics" are accumulating in our soils.

Resistance genes mapped for drugs to treat parasitic worms

Drug resistance in parasitic worms poses a serious threat to global efforts to limit the significant health and economic impacts they have on people, pets and livestock. Researchers at the Wellcome Sanger Institute, the University ...

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