NASA satellite highlights burn scars in British Columbia

This past summer Canada has been plagued with huge forest fires that have spanned most of the provinces. British Columbia has been particularly hard hit with large portions of the landscape being decimated by fire.

Fires in Australia pop up in places already burned

Fires that span across the Northern Territory and Western Australia appear to have broken out in areas that have already been burned in previous fires. Areas that sport "burn scars", those areas that are a darker, almost ...

Salamander species can regenerate its skin without scars

Although human skin heals from injuries and wounds, many of us have scars that are left behind. Scar formation happens in adult mammals because skin regeneration does not fully occur. This poses a challenge to physicians ...

A scar that the Woolsey Fire left behind

Fire destroys and decimates. It takes out almost everything in its path. In the wake of a fire, a burn scar appears which takes a long time to heal. The mountains of San Bernardino County in Southern California were in a ...

Oxygen-sensing microrobots

( —When the retina's supply of blood and oxygen runs low, physicians have to react quickly to preserve a patient's eyesight. But up until now there have been no methods sensitive enough to measure how well the ...

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