European researchers identify materials at the nanoscale

Spanish and German researchers have made a new instrumental development that solves a key materials science and nanotechnology question: how to chemically identify materials at the nanometre scale.

Harnessing plant-invading fungi for fuel

(—As gas prices rise around the world, researchers are seeking a potential solution from endophytic fungi—fungi that live inside plants.

3-D scanning methods allow an inside look into fossilized feces

Coprolites are fossilized feces that give evidence of an organism's behavior and often contain food residues, parasite remains and other fossils that provide clues to ancient paleoecological relations. Many of the inclusions ...

Clearer and better focused SEM images

With the onset of the 4th industrial revolution, artificial intelligence has recently been utilized in smartphone cameras, providing functions such as auto-focusing, face recognition, and 100x zoom, to dramatically improve ...

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