In metallic glasses, researchers find a few new atomic structures

Drawing on powerful computational tools and a state-of-the-art scanning transmission electron microscope, a team of University of Wisconsin-Madison and Iowa State University materials science and engineering researchers has ...

Real-world graphene devices may have a bumpy ride

( -- Electronics researchers love graphene. A two-dimensional sheet of carbon one atom thick, graphene is like a superhighway for electrons, which rocket through the material with 100 times the mobility they have ...

Simultaneous Nanoscale Imaging of Surface and Bulk Atoms

( -- Brookhaven Lab scientists have developed a new scanning electron microscope capable of selectively imaging single atoms on a surface while simultaneously probing atoms throughout the sample?s depth. The development ...

Solving the chalk mystery

A piece of chalk in a laboratory at the University of Stavanger in Norway may be the key to unlock a great mystery. If the mystery is solved, it will generate billions in additional income for the oil industry. Associate ...

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