High-performance computing programming with ease

As high-performance computing (HPC) bends to the needs of "big data" applications, speed remains essential. But it's not only a question of how quickly one can compute problems, but how quickly one can program the complex ...

Coherent electron trajectory control in graphene

Electronic systems using light waves instead of voltage signals is advantageous, as electromagnetic light waves oscillate at petaherz frequency. This means that future computers could operate at speeds 1 million times faster ...

'Frankenstein design' enables 3D printed neutron collimator

The time-tested strategy of "divide and conquer" took on a new, high-tech meaning during neutron experiments by scientists at the Department of Energy's Oak Ridge National Laboratory. They discovered that the problems they ...

Explained: Measuring earthquakes

The powerful earthquake that struck Japan in March was a 9.0-magnitude event. But this was not, as some people may assume, as registered on the Richter scale, the famed measuring system dating to the 1930s. Seismologists ...

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