Chiton mollusk provides model for new armor design

The motivations for using biology as inspiration to engineering vary based on the project, but for Ling Li, assistant professor of mechanical engineering in the College of Engineering, the combination of flexibility and protection ...

Designer proteins form wires and lattices on mineral surface

The goal of the research, published July 11 in the journal Nature, was to engineer artificial proteins to self-assemble on a crystal surface by creating an exact match between the pattern of amino acids in the protein and ...

Machine learning unlocks mysteries of quantum physics

Understanding electrons' intricate behavior has led to discoveries that transformed society, such as the revolution in computing made possible by the invention of the transistor.

Physicists 'flash-freeze' crystal of 150 ions

Physicists at the National Institute of Standards and Technology (NIST) have "flash-frozen" a flat crystal of 150 beryllium ions (electrically charged atoms), opening new possibilities for simulating magnetism at the quantum ...

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