Wearable computers to monitor health

(Phys.org)—Dr. Roozbeh Jafari, assistant professor of electrical engineering at UT Dallas, is developing wearable wireless computers that are about the size of a button. At that size, the system can be easily worn on the ...

Italian architect designs world's biggest vertical garden

A shopping centre near Milan is claiming an unusual record—the biggest vertical garden in the world, covering a surface of 1,263 square metres (13,600 square feet) with a total of 44,000 plants.

Energy from microbes for drying sewage sludge

A new biodrying process from Siemens quickly converts sewage sludge into a usable form while saving energy. When dried with the new process, sludge from wastewater treatment can be used as fertilizer, dumped in landfills ...

Connected security systems tether homes to owners' smartphones

When Debbie Klava's daughters come home from school in Elk Grove, Calif., she knows the minute they walk in the front door. Even though she's working in an office 90 minutes away, she gets an email or cellphone text when ...

Scientists track your carbon footprint, step by step

If you're driving your SUV to the farmers market to buy local asparagus and thinking you're making a difference for the planet, - not so fast. You're focused on a detail and ignoring the gas-hogging elephant in the room.

Fiber optics in computer screens to save energy

(PhysOrg.com) -- A single fiber-optic can light up computer screens. This innovation put in place by L.E.S.S., a recently formed spin-off of EPFL, brings energy savings of 30% while boosting processors.

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