Meditation for factory workers

If you are stuck in a highly repetitive, altogether routine job with no alternative employment options, then Scott Herriott of the Maharishi University of Management, in Fairfield, Iowa, suggests you take 20 minutes twice ...

Corporate culture can affect company performance, research says

Criticism of e-commerce giant's corporate culture in recent weeks has created a media firestorm, but a new study by the University of Kansas School of Business may shed light on the financial link between corporate ...

New video streaming technology for mobile phones

VTT Technical Research Centre of Finland has developed a new architecture for better-quality video streaming on mobile phones and across wireless networks. The new architecture is based on utilising information gathered and ...

Four-day working week 'more productive': UK study

A four-day working week is more productive for most staff and companies than the traditional five days, one of the biggest trials of its kind conducted in the UK reported on Tuesday.

Marry or mingle: The risks and rewards of being single

For many people, Valentine's Day can be an isolating time. The dominant Valentine's Day narrative insists that to be in a romantic relationship is to be happy. And for many single people, the day can come with pressure to ...

Happiest places have highest suicide rates says new research

The happiest countries and happiest U.S. states tend to have the highest suicide rates, according to research from the UK’s University of Warwick, Hamilton College in New York and the Federal Reserve Bank of San Francisco.

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