It's a beautiful day in the neighborhood... or is it?

How do you feel about your neighborhood now that you've been confined during a pandemic? A Michigan State University researcher conducted a study to quantify what makes people happy with their neighborhoods and discovered ...

Women's communication shapes division of labor in household

For many couples, COVID-19 quarantine has shattered the normal routine and led some to renegotiate who does what around the house. Research has shown that the way couples divide up housework and how they feel about their ...

Most couples are less satisfied when the woman earns more

Women are now the main earners in about one in four Australian households. This increase in female "breadwinner" households challenges traditional expectations of men and women and their roles in family life.

Young teachers happier but say hard work is unrewarded

Newly qualified teachers report higher levels of wellbeing and life satisfaction compared to other graduates, but are more likely to say hard work in Britain is unrewarded, according to UCL research.

Digital work design will benefit future workforce

New Curtin University-led research has found that the introduction of new technologies such as artificial intelligence, robots and automation into the workforce could potentially benefit employees, rather than replace them, ...

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