Astronomers have serious concerns about satellite constellations

Picture the space around Earth filled with tens of thousands of communications satellites. That scenario is slowly coming into being, and it has astronomers concerned. Now, a group of astronomers has written a paper outlining ...

Image: Astronaut captures the fires ravaging Australia

Another pair of eyes provides a sobering perspective on the fires ravaging Australia. ESA astronaut Luca Parmitano took images such as this one on 12 January from his vantage point of the International Space Station.

New biomass map to take stock of the world's carbon

The first of a series of global maps aimed at quantifying change in carbon stored as biomass across the world's forests and shrublands has been released today by ESA's Climate Change Initiative at COP25—the United Nation ...

35-year data record charts sea-temperature change

Four trillion satellite measurements, taken over four decades from 1981 to 2018, have been merged to create a continuous global record that will help to understand the science behind Earth's climate.

Forests emit carbon dioxide during heatwaves

Forests absorb a lot of CO2 from the air in the summer, but during the heat wave at the end of July, forests in the Netherlands emitted CO2. This is shown by measurements taken by the University of Twente.

Monitoring air pollution from fires

The wildfires that have been devastating the Amazon rainforest have been international headline news over the last weeks. These fires are not only an environmental tragedy in terms of lost forest and biodiversity, but they ...

How satellites can improve the health of city dwellers

Most people get a health boost from exercise. But for those with heart disease or a lung condition such as asthma, exercising during periods of high urban air pollution can exacerbate rather than improve their condition.

Mission control 'saves science'

Every minute, ESA's Earth observation satellites gather dozens of gigabytes of data about our planet—enough information to fill the pages on a 100-metre long bookshelf. Flying in low-Earth orbits, these spacecraft are continuously ...

Spot failed Soviet Venus probe Kosmos 482 in Earth orbit

A ghost from the old Soviet space program may return to Earth in the coming years. Mimicking a campy episode of the '70s series The Six Million Dollar Man, a Soviet Venus lander stranded in Earth orbit will eventually reenter ...

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