Aqua satellite eyes Tropical Storm Rick in Eastern Pacific

NASA's Aqua satellite passed over Rick and captured a visible light image that showed the storm far off the coast of western Mexico. Rick continued to hang on to its status as tropical storm on Nov. 20, although a minimal ...

NASA's Terra satellite sees landfall for Tropical Cyclone Megh

Tropical Cyclone Megh became the second tropical cyclone to make landfall in Yemen in one week. As Megh began land falling just north of Aden, Yemen, NASA's Terra satellite passed overhead and captured an image of the tropical ...

NASA satellite sees Typhoon Champi elongating

Typhoon Champi appeared to be the victim of vertical wind shear in infrared imagery from NASA's Terra satellite. Champi has become elongated while moving through the western North Pacific Ocean and is expected to become extra-tropical ...

NASA sees the short life of Tropical Cyclone 03A

Tropical Cyclone 03A formed in the Arabian Sea, Northern Indian Ocean on October 10 and by October 12 it weakened to a remnant low pressure area. NASA's Terra satellite happened over the storm when it developed and caught ...

NASA sees Tropical Depression Choi-wan form

Tropical Depression Choi-wan formed in the northwestern Pacific Ocean as NASA's Terra satellite passed overhead and captured infrared data on the developing storm.

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