Video: Annual global ice loss simulated over Oslo

Satellites play a vital role in monitoring the rapid changes taking place in the Arctic. Tracking ice lost from the world's glaciers, ice sheets and frozen land shows that Earth is losing ice at an accelerating rate.

Fine-tuning air pollution models

Air pollution doesn't affect everybody the same way. And in a new study, researchers developed a method to improve estimates of how, within cities, different communities are exposed to fine particulate matter (PM2.5).

New use for AI: Correctly estimating fish stocks

For the first time, a newly published artificial intelligence (AI) algorithm is allowing researchers to quickly and accurately estimate coastal fish stocks without ever entering the water. This breakthrough could save millions ...

Space missions set to improve solar storm forecasts

Satellites launched into outer space could send back improved warnings of dangerous solar storms thanks to a breakthrough in the way scientists use space weather measurements.

Scientists create high-resolution poverty maps using big data

A team of researchers from the Complexity Science Hub (CSH) and Central European University (CEU) created more-detailed poverty maps using computational tools that bring together survey information, and data and images provided ...

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