Smelly seaweed bloom heads to Florida

A large mass of Sargassum "seaweed" circling around the Gulf of Mexico may soon wash up along the U.S. coast near Florida—depending on the right combination of currents and wind. The bloom, which may likely be the largest ...

Saint Lawrence seaway eels slipping into oblivion

Standing in tall rubber boots in mud smeared with gooey algae, Bruno Ouellet tugs on massive nets strewn across the shores of the Saint Lawrence River, hoping to snag just a few eels.

Exploring hidden life’s abundance

( -- Two miles below the surface of the Sargasso Sea lies a depression in the Earth’s crust filled with sediment and, scientists believe, teeming with life — exotic, microscopic, and very likely never before ...

Stinking mats of seaweed piling up on Caribbean beaches

The picture-perfect beaches and turquoise waters that people expect on their visits to the Caribbean are increasingly being fouled by mats of decaying seaweed that attract biting sand fleas and smell like rotten eggs.

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