Light reveals the origin of a grain of sand

A grain of sand buried for an extended period of time in earthworks or on the bottom of the ocean, accumulate a luminescence signal. Scientists use this signal to determine how long a particular grain of sand has been buried. ...

Sandy selfie sent from NASA Mars rover

The latest self-portrait from NASA's Curiosity Mars rover shows the car-size mobile laboratory beside a dark dune where it has been scooping and sieving samples of sand.

New research unlocks the mystery of New England's beaches

Millions of Americans will visit New England's beaches this summer to cool off, play in the waves and soak up the sun. Until now, the factors governing which beaches slope gradually to the sea and which ones end abruptly ...

Famous 'sandpile model' shown to move like a traveling sand dune

The so-called Abelian sandpile model has been studied by scientists for more than 30 years to better understand a physical phenomenon called self-organized criticality, which appears in many real-life situations such as the ...

These grains can be solid, liquid or dust

( -- Take a walk along the beach and you might marvel at any number of things: the cresting waves, the occasional scuttling crab, the shells and odd shapes of driftwood that wash ashore.

To shore up beaches, just add sand?

New research is shedding light on how mechanically placed sand on San Diego County beaches moves and its potential impacts. The study, published in the journal Coastal Engineering, could help planners develop beach nourishment ...

Indian dancing frog's secretive tadpoles unearthed from sand beds

A new tadpole that burrows through sand has been unearthed from the streambeds in the Western Ghats of India, according to a study published March 30, 2016 in the open-access journal PLOS ONE by Gayani Senevirathne from the ...

Every grain of sand is a metropolis for bacteria

Just imagine, you are sitting on a sunny beach, contentedly letting the warm sand trickle through your fingers. Millions of sand grains. What you probably can't imagine: at the same time, billions upon billions of bacteria ...

Transverse instability of megaripples

Aeolian ripples, which form regular patterns on sand beaches and desert floors, indicate the fundamental instability of flat sand surfaces under the wind-induced transport of sand grains.

Oil spill causes massive harm to microscopic creatures

( -- Oiled seabirds and turtles may have been the dominant images of the Deepwater Horizon oil spill, but new research indicates there was also massive harm to microscopic creatures in coastal sands, lasting months ...

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