A new explanation for why Jupiter's moon has splendid dunes

Scientists have long wondered how Jupiter's innermost moon, Io, has meandering ridges as grand as any that can be seen in movies like "Dune." Now, a Rutgers research study has provided a new explanation of how dunes can form ...

NASA's Perseverance studies the wild winds of Jezero Crater

During its first couple hundred days in Jezero Crater, NASA's Perseverance Mars rover saw some of the most intense dust activity ever witnessed by a mission sent to the Red Planet's surface. Not only did the rover detect ...

Researchers discover ancient symbiosis between animals, bacteria

Marine shallow water sandy bottoms on the surface appear desert-like and empty, but in the interstitial space between the sand grains a diverse fauna flourishes. In addition to bacteria and protozoa numerous animal phyla ...

Hidden order in windswept sand

An interdisciplinary team including researchers from Leipzig University has analyzed an extensive collection of sand samples from so-called megaripple fields around the world and gained new insights into the composition of ...

Where does the sand on Mars come from?

This image from NASA's Mars Reconnaisance Orbiter (MRO) shows one possible place where sand grains are being produced on Mars today. Discovered in images from the Context Camera, this region exhibits dark material that is ...

A dusty lab in the sky

Joe Nuth loves dust. Among astronomers, that puts him in a minority.

Even Canadian rocks are different

Canadians have always seen themselves as separate and distinct from their American neighbours to the south, and now they have geological proof.

Nanoparticles can save historic buildings made from porous rock

Many historical buildings were built of sandstone, including Vienna's St. Stephen's Cathedral. Sandstone is easy to work with, but does not withstand weathering. It consists of sand grains that are relatively weakly bonded ...

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