A new key for species identification in salt marsh harvest mice

It's hard to save what you can't identify. That's been a problem for the endangered salt marsh harvest mouse, which is found only in the salty, brackish waters of the San Francisco Bay area. The mouse competes for space with ...

Coastal wetlands are nature's flood defences

Coastal wetlands—such as salt marshes—provide even more flood protection than previously thought, reducing the risk to lives and homes in estuaries, a new study has revealed.

Are coastal marshes drowning faster than expected?

Salt marshes are a fundamental habitat for fishes and birds, can capture and bury large quantities of organic carbon, and play an important role in protecting coastal communities from storm surges. Comprised of a delicate ...

Methane in tidal marshes

A pair of University of Delaware researchers were studying "blue carbon"—the carbon stored in coastal ecosystems such as mangrove forests, salt marshes or sea grasses—when they found something no one expected to see in ...

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