'Sink' or swim for salt marshes

The world's coastal ecosystems—areas such as tidal marshes and mangrove forests—have the potential to store and sequester large amounts of carbon, collectively known as blue carbon.

Study tells of pumpkin-colored zombies

Just in time for Halloween, a new study reveals that pumpkin-colored zombies may be running rampant through your local salt marsh.

New research shows protective value of mangroves for coastlines

The threat to coastal regions posed by climate change, overdevelopment and other human caused stressors is well-established. Among the most prized and valuable land throughout the world, shorelines everywhere are imperiled ...

Scientists reveal game of thrones in crab world

Crabs that invade smaller crab species' habitat overpower and evict incumbents from their burrows, but the two species ultimately co-exist and join forces against other invading crabs in a game of thrones once they establish ...

New technique quickly predicts salt marsh vulnerability

Scientists working on a rapid assessment technique for determining which US coastal salt marshes are most imperiled by erosion were surprised to find that all eight of the Atlantic and Pacific Coast marshes where they field-tested ...

Female fiddler crabs want protection not sex

New research has resolved a mystery over why female fiddler crabs visit and leave many males during mating season, and found the females aren't just being picky.

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