Sensory illusion causes cells to self-destruct

Magic tricks work because they take advantage of the brain's sensory assumptions, tricking audiences into seeing phantoms or overlooking sleights of hand. Now a team of UC San Francisco researchers has discovered that even ...

How to make solar power 24/7

The biggest hurdle to widespread implementation of solar power is the fact that the sun doesn't shine constantly in any given place, so backup power systems are needed for nights and cloudy days. But a novel system designed ...

Cholera bacteria show adaptability to changing environments

( -- The deadly bacterium behind cholera epidemics spends only a fraction of its life infecting humans. Most of the time, Vibrio cholerae lurks in estuaries and other semisalty aquatic habitats.

Physical mechanisms explaining DNA and RNA twist changes

The double-helix structure of DNA is deformed by environmental stimuli, which will then affect gene expression, and eventually trigger a sequence of cellular processes. Recent research led by a physicist from City University ...

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