Related topics: fish · food and drug administration

FDA review on transgenic salmon too narrow: study

The review process being used by the Food and Drug Administration to assess the safety of a faster-growing transgenic salmon fails to weigh the full effects of the fish's widespread production, according to analysis by a ...

Study shows sea lice problem widespread

Salmon farms are transferring parasitic sea lice to wild salmon over a much wider region than first thought. That’s the conclusion of a newly published article called Evidence of farm-induced parasite infestations on ...

Shark smell myth found fishy

Everyone knows that sharks have an amazing sense of smell. Toss a chunk of salmon into the shark tank at the Monterey Bay Aquarium in California, and you can see it in action.

New virus may pose risk to wild salmon

Farmed fish are an increasingly important food source, with a global harvest now at 110 million tons and growing at more than 8 percent a year. But epidemics of infectious disease threaten this vital industry, including one ...

New system helps explain salmon migration

A new acoustic telemetry system tracks the migration of juvenile salmon using one-tenth as many fish as comparable methods, suggests a paper published in the January edition of the American Fisheries Society journal Fisheries. ...

Living, Meandering River Constructed

( -- In a feat of reverse-engineering, Christian Braudrick of University of California at Berkeley and three coauthors have successfully built and maintained a scale model of a living meandering gravel-bed river ...

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