Related topics: fish · food and drug administration

Shark smell myth found fishy

Everyone knows that sharks have an amazing sense of smell. Toss a chunk of salmon into the shark tank at the Monterey Bay Aquarium in California, and you can see it in action.

Aquatic playground can turn water tanks into fish schools

Raising fish in tanks that contain hiding places and other obstacles can make the fish both smarter and improve their chances of survival when they are released into the wild, according to an international team of researchers.

Salmon can sniff out predators

Salmon know when their most common predator is around, because they can tell that it's eaten salmon before, new research shows. Young fish can do this too, even if they've never encountered that particular predator before.

Medieval water power initiated the collapse of salmon stocks

Salmon largely disappeared from the Netherlands due to the construction of water mills, ecologists from Radboud University conclude (Scientific Reports, 20 July). The construction of water mills caused the destruction of ...

Living, Meandering River Constructed

( -- In a feat of reverse-engineering, Christian Braudrick of University of California at Berkeley and three coauthors have successfully built and maintained a scale model of a living meandering gravel-bed river ...

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