Massive amounts of Saharan dust fertilize the Amazon rainforest

The Sahara Desert and the Amazon rainforest seem to inhabit separate worlds. The former is a vast expanse of sand and scrub stretching across the northern third of Africa, while the latter is a dense green mass of humid jungle ...

Shrinking resource margins in Sahel region of Africa

The need for food, animal feed and fuel in the Sahel belt is growing year on year, but supply is not increasing at the same rate. New figures from 22 countries indicate falling availability of resources per capita and a continued ...

Image: Lake Chad from orbit

This Landsat-8 image from 4 July 2014 shows Lake Chad in West Africa's Sahel region – a transition zone between the Sahara Desert to the north and savannahs and woodlands to the south.

Image: Cloud bands over the Western Sahara Desert, Mauritania

This photograph of cloud bands over southern Mauritania was taken from the International Space Station with an oblique angle such that the cloud shadows are a prominent part of the view. Beneath the clouds, the plateau of ...

Study documents catastrophic collapse of Sahara's wildlife

A new study led by the Wildlife Conservation Society and Zoological Society or London warns that the world's largest tropical desert, the Sahara, has suffered a catastrophic collapse of its wildlife populations.

When the Sahara turned to sand

The Sahara wasn't always a desert. Trees and grasslands dominated the landscape from roughly 10,000 years ago to 5,000 years ago. Then, abruptly, the climate changed, and north Africa began to dry out.

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