Google's Schmidt attacks British education system

Google chairman Eric Schmidt has attacked the British education system, saying a failure to appreciate the importance of computer science was holding the country back in the digital age.

News Corp. board backs Murdoch after hacking scandal

Rupert Murdoch claimed boardroom backing Wednesday to remain at the helm of News Corp. as he worked to shift attention from the phone-hacking scandal to his media behemoth's healthy bottom line.

News Corp. buoyed by strong profits after scandal

Media behemoth News Corp. posted strong profits Wednesday, boosting owner Rupert Murdoch's attempts to reassure investors after a damaging phone-hacking scandal in Britain.

Special committee defends Wall Street Journal

A special committee set up to ensure the editorial integrity of The Wall Street Journal following its 2007 purchase by Rupert Murdoch's News Corp. said Monday it found no evidence of wrongdoing at the newspaper.

US tabloids less aggressive than British: experts

US tabloid newspapers including ones owned by Rupert Murdoch's News Corporation are less aggressive than their British counterparts, partly due to readers' differing demands, experts say.

Dow Jones editor reminds reporters of ethics code

Dow Jones editor-in-chief Robert Thomson, the American flagship of Rupert Murdoch's media empire, has reminded journalists that they must follow a code of ethics in a memo to all staff.

LulzSec hacks scandal-hit News International websites

Websites owned by Rupert Murdoch's News International were down Tuesday after the Lulz Security hacker group replaced The Sun's online version with a fake story pronouncing the mogul's death.

Wall Street Journal attacks News Corp. critics

The News Corp.-owned Wall Street Journal blasted critics Monday for double standards and insisted that the phone-tapping scandal in Britain should not tarnish all of Rupert Murdoch's media empire.

Murdochs summoned to testify in phone hack inquiry

(AP) -- British lawmakers say News International chief Rebekah Brooks has agreed to testify before a parliamentary committee investigating phone hacking. Rupert and James Murdoch have been issued a summons after they declined ...

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