Study reveals plant roots fuel tropical soil animal communities

Soil animal communities in the tropics are driven by plant roots and the resources derived from them. This is the main finding of a new study of a research team led by the University of Göttingen, the German Centre for Integrative ...

Fashion sneakers propel sustainable rubber in Brazil Amazon

Rubber tapper Raimundo Mendes de Barros prepares to leave his home, surrounded by rainforest, for an errand in the Brazilian Amazon city of Xapuri. He slides his long, scarred, 77-year-old feet into a pair of sneakers made ...

Brazil's Lula promises no deforestation but challenges loom

When Luiz Inácio Lula da Silva is sworn in as president of the second most populous country in the western hemisphere Jan. 1, few challenges will be greater than fulfilling his promise to end all deforestation in the Brazilian ...

Team develops new method to determine flaws in rubber

A new method to ensure consistency and quality in rubber manufacturing, developed by a research team from the University of Tennessee, Knoxville, and Eastman, is likely to show real-world impact on material sustainability ...

Ethylene fabricated by cations

Why is ethylene referred to as the bread and butter of industries? This colorless gas serves as the feedstock for various petrochemical products such as plastics, vinyl, and synthetic rubber, in the same way that bread and ...

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