Spinifex promises stronger condoms

Spinifex grass could be used to create thinner, stronger latex for gloves and condoms, as well as more durable seals and tyres, an Australian scientist says.

Biomimetic strategy leads to strong, recyclable rubber

Inspired by nature, Chinese scientists have produced a synthetic analogue to vulcanized natural rubber. Their material is just as tough and durable as the original. In the journal Angewandte Chemie, they reveal the secret ...

In Ivory Coast, global rubber glut erases profits

"We're not earning anything from it any more, we have nothing," says a rubber farmer in Ivory Coast, Africa's top producer, where revenues from natural rubber have been slashed by global oversupply.

Video: Popping balloons with style

Orange peels contain limonene, and this chemical is the key to a party trick in which you can pop a balloon with a twist.

Microchips can permanently link patients with clinical samples

You watched the blood flow from your arm into a vial. The technician capped the vial and secured with a rubber band the scrap of paper containing your name and patient information. When you call to get the results of the ...

Honey, I shrunk the vacuum chambers!

It takes a lot of work to achieve nothingness. The beam pipes within particle accelerators are some of the emptiest regions in the universe. They are evacuated so as to prevent the accelerating particles from colliding with ...

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