Romance scams online hit hundreds of thousands of victims

New online research led by the University of Leicester reveals that over 200,000 people living in Britain may have fallen victim to online romance scams – far more than had been previously estimated. The study is believed ...

Thinking about a summer fling? Read this article first

Summer is a time we associate with love. The longer days and warmer weather can lead to people feeling happier, more relaxed and in the mood for romance. This year in particular, Australians are longing for human connection ...

Two-thirds of romantic couples start out as friends, study finds

Movies and television often show romance sparking when two strangers meet. Real-life couples, however, are far more likely to begin as friends. Two-thirds of romantic relationships start out platonically, a new study in Social ...

No sad endings for Japan's virtual romance fans

Japanese book editor Miho Takeshita is having an affair. But the recently married 30-year-old is not worried about getting caught—her boyfriend only exists on a smartphone.

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