NASA's Roman mission completes key optical components

Engineers at Ball Aerospace, one of the industrial partners for NASA's Nancy Grace Roman Space Telescope, have installed and aligned the element wheel assembly (pictured above) into the telescope's Wide Field Instrument. ...

Ancient Roman coins thought to be fakes now authenticated

A new analysis of several Roman coins unearthed in 1713—long thought to be forgeries—suggests that they are authentic, providing evidence that the leader portrayed on one of the coins was indeed in power during the 260s ...

Discovery of bronzes rewrites Italy's Etruscan-Roman history

Italian authorities on Tuesday announced the extraordinary discovery of 2,000-year-old bronze statues in an ancient Tuscan thermal spring and said the find will "rewrite history" about the transition from the Etruscan civilization ...

Modern pesticide accelerates corrosion of ancient Roman bowl

A corroded Roman bowl dated to the Late Iron Age (between 43 and 410 AD) contains traces of chlorobenzenes, a chemical once used in pesticides that is known to accumulate in soil and water sources. The study, published in ...

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