Ages of the Navajo Sandstone

The real Jurassic Park was as an ancient landscape home to a vast desert covered mostly in sand dunes as far as the eye could see, where dinosaurs and small mammals roamed southern Utah. The Navajo Sandstone is known for ...

Damaging Sichuan earthquakes linked to fracking operations

Two moderate-sized earthquakes that struck the southern Sichuan Province of China last December and January were probably caused by nearby fracking operations, according to a new study published in Seismological Research ...

Curiosity Mars rover climbing toward ridge top

NASA's Mars rover Curiosity has begun the steep ascent of an iron-oxide-bearing ridge that's grabbed scientists' attention since before the car-sized rover's 2012 landing.

Secrets of dolerite sills

The exploitation of mineral deposits always creates debates around economic necessity versus environmental preservation. Fracking for gas in the Karoo region of South Africa is currently vigorously debated. This article is ...

Geologists study mystery of 'eternal flames'

"Eternal flames" fueled by hydrocarbon gas could shine a light on the presence of natural gas in underground rock layers and conditions that let it seep to the surface, according to research by geologists at the Department ...

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