Robot Armada Might Scale New Worlds

( -- An armada of robots may one day fly above the mountain tops of Saturn's moon Titan, cross its vast dunes and sail in its liquid lakes.

Second Test Rover Added to Driving Experiments

A second, lighter-weight test rover has entered the testing setup at JPL where rover team members are assessing strategy for getting Spirit out of soft soil where it is embedded on Mars.

Europe and Russia sign Mars exploration deal

The European Space Agency (ESA) on Wednesday signed a deal with its Russian counterpart Roscosmos to cooperate on two Mars exploration projects, Russia's Interfax news agency reported.

Image: Spirit's View From 'Troy'

Today, Aug. 18, 2009, marks the Mars Exploration Rover Spirit's 2,000th sol, or Martian day, on the Red Planet.

Rover Confirms Meteorite on Mars

( -- Composition measurements by NASA's Mars Exploration Rover Opportunity confirm that this rock on the Martian surface is an iron-nickel meteorite.

The Abyss: Deepest Part of the Oceans No Longer Hidden

( -- The Abyss is a dark, deep place, but it's no longer hidden. At least when Nereus is on the scene. Nereus is a new type of deep-sea robotic vehicle, called a hybrid remotely operated vehicle (HROV).

Mars Rover Update

In January 2004, NASA landed two identical robotic rovers named Spirit and Opportunity on the surface of Mars. The twins were primed for a brief 3-month mission to tell us a story of water and possibly life itself in the ...

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