Mishap doesn't dampen enthusiasm for security robots

On his first day at work as a security guard, Steve was greeted warmly, drawing attention from passersby, including some taking selfies with him at the tony retail-residential complex he patrolled. Then he fell into the fountain.

Mini 'Pepper' robots start new jobs in Taiwan

A shiny new cohort joined the workforce in Taiwan Thursday—a troop of mini robots all going by the name "Pepper", enlisted to entertain customers and give them the hard sell.

VIDEO: 5,000 robots merge to map the universe in 3-D

How do you create the largest 3-D map of the universe? It's as easy as teaching 5,000 robots how to "dance." DESI, the Dark Energy Spectroscopic Instrument, is an experiment that will target millions of distant galaxies by ...

US probe to touch down on asteroid Bennu on October 20

After a four-year journey, NASA's robotic spacecraft OSIRIS-REx will descend to asteroid Bennu's boulder-strewn surface on October 20, touching down for a few seconds to collect rock and dust samples, the agency said Thursday.

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