Safety on two wheels revealed

Moped riders crash more frequently, and motorcyclists are more than three times as likely to die in accidents, a Queensland University of Technology (QUT) road safety researcher has found.

Cameras at intersections save lives, dollars

A landmark study has found that despite the public's perception that road safety cameras are merely revenue raising devices, they significantly reduce road accidents and so save Victoria millions of dollars annually in associated ...

Consistent evidence: Speed cameras do reduce injuries and deaths

Placing speed cameras on roads reduces the number of road traffic injuries and deaths, concludes a team of researchers from The University of Queensland, in Brisbane, Australia. Their findings are published this month in ...

Behind the wheel: Restricting young drivers

Restricting newly qualified young drivers from night-time motoring and carrying passengers of a similar age could help could save up to 200 lives every year, according to University research.

Creating resilience for vehicular applications

( -- European researchers have developed promising approaches to a long-neglected aspect of car-to-car and car-to-infrastructure communications: fault-tolerance and resilience. The technology is a vital component ...

Yawn alert for weary drivers

We've all experienced it after long hours driving, the eyelids getting heavy, a deep yawn, neck muscles relaxing, the urge to sleep, the head nodding down... But, you're hands are still on the wheel and you only just stopped ...

Stop traffic crashes: Switch on the lights

Street lighting provides a simple, low cost means of stemming the global epidemic of road traffic death and injury. Low income countries should consider installing more lights, and high income countries should think carefully ...

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