RNA regulation is crucial for embryonic stem cell differentiation

Embryonic stem cells (ESCs) are distinguished by their dual ability to self-renew and their potential to differentiate, both of which require tight regulatory control. During the differentiation of ESCs, various cells develop ...

Researchers uncover mechanism behind DNA damage control

DNA damage is occurring in our cells all the time due to external agents, such as exposure to sun, or internal agents, like reactive oxygen species. To detect and repair DNA lesions, cells have evolved DNA damage response. ...

DksA polices the intersection of replication and transcription

DNA replication, the process by which a strand of DNA is copied during cell proliferation , and DNA transcription, the process by which the message in the DNA is translated into messenger RNA, involve the same "track" or ...

Key early steps in gene expression captured in real time

On scales too small for our eyes to see, the business of life happens through the making of proteins, which impart to our cells both structure and function. Cellular proteins get their marching orders from genetic instructions ...

Long non-coding RNAs can encode proteins after all

Case Western Reserve School of Medicine scientists have made an extraordinary double discovery. First, they have identified thousands of novel long non-coding ribonucleic acid (lncRNA) transcripts. Second, they have learned ...

Examining mRNA transcription difficulties

The corona pandemic has ensured that the term "mRNA" is now also known to a large public beyond laboratories and lecture halls. However, the molecule is much more than an important component of a successful vaccine against ...

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