Related topics: whales

Southern right whale superpod blows a hole in the record books

A comprehensive aerial survey of whales and dolphins off the coast of South Africa supported by a range of organisations including Fauna & Flora International (FFI) has recorded an astounding 1,106 southern right whales, ...

Acoustic research sheds new light on whale soundsĀ 

Scientists from British Antarctic Survey (BAS), Scottish Association for Marine Science (SAMS), and international collaborators have this week published the first detailed research on the sounds made by southern right whales ...

Dispatches from the edge of doom

Something strange happened in 1973. Republican president Richard Nixon -- who the year before had stated, "this is not the land of quotas and restrictions" -- signed the Endangered Species Act into law.

Prey-tell: Why right whales linger in the Gulf of Maine

( -- As they might with most endangered animals, scientists consider the whereabouts and activities of right whales extremely important. "It is helpful to know where they go, why they go there and what they do ...

S. Africa issues shark warning around washed-up whale

South African coastal authorities on Friday warned beachgoers around the tourist town of Knysna that sharks were moving into the area, feeding on the remains of a whale that ran ashore two days ago.

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