Related topics: whales

Smaller female North Atlantic right whales have fewer calves

The declining body size of North Atlantic right whales may have critical consequences for the future of the species. New research, co-authored by Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution's senior scientist Michael Moore, shows ...

A whale's tale: The story hidden in their mouths

Baleen plates—the signature bristle-like apparatus toothless whales use to feed—reveal how these large aquatic mammals adapt to environmental changes over time.

Baby whale genetic testing may help save species, study says

Greater reliance on genetic testing of baby whales and their mothers can provide more accurate information about a rare species and increase the chances of saving them from extinction, according to the authors of a new scientific ...

Endangered whale gives birth while entangled in fishing rope

Scientists spotted an endangered right whale dragging a length of fishing rope caught in its mouth as it swam with a newborn calf off the Georgia coast, a rare confirmation of a birth by an entangled whale that experts determined ...

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