Off-rift volcanoes explained

Volcanoes often develop outside the rift zone in an apparently unexpected location offset by tens of kilometers has remained unanswered. An international team of scientists has shown that the pattern of stresses in the crust ...

Geologists correct a rift in Africa

The huge changes in the Earth's crust that influenced human evolution are being redefined, according to research published today in Nature Geoscience.

Formation of the Gulf of Corinth rift, Greece

A study of the structure and evolution of the Gulf of Corinth rift in central Greece will increase scientific understanding of rifted margin development and the tectonic mechanisms underlying seafloor spreading and deformation ...

Oculus Rift begins shipping; reviews suggest waiting is OK

The first consumer-ready Oculus Rift virtual-reality headset was delivered to a real person over the weekend, and reviewers got their first taste. The initial feedback: It's a beautiful, wonderful device that immerses you, ...

Q&A: A documentarian working in virtual reality

Forget 3-D glasses. Oscar-nominated documentarian Danfung Dennis believes the next evolution in filmmaking will be to surround viewers with images in 360 degrees—directly on their noggins.

Oculus Rift brings a whole new dimension to communication

Mark Zuckerberg's latest spending spree has landed Facebook an exciting new gadget in the form of the Oculus Rift, a virtual reality headset that is used by gamers and researchers alike to enhance encounters.

Does altitude affect the way language is spoken?

Language is formed by giving meaning to sounds and stringing together these meaningful expressions to communicate feelings and ideas. Until recently most linguists believed that the relationship between the structure of language ...

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