Related topics: brain

Why do cats knead?

"Kneading" is when cats massage an object with the front paws, which extend and retract, one paw at a time.

Goffin's cockatoos can create and manipulate novel tools

Goffin's cockatoos can tear cardboard into long strips as tools to reach food—but fail to adjust strip width to fit through narrow openings, according to a study published November 7, 2018 in the open-access journal PLOS ...

Top dog: scientists measure canine IQ

Scientists are measuring the IQ of dogs in the hope of boosting understanding of the link between health and intelligence; proving that canines really are man's best friend

Dogs distinguish between intentional and unintentional action

Over their long shared history, dogs have developed a range of skills for bonding with human beings. Their ability to make sense of human actions, demonstrated by every "sit," "lay down," and "roll over," is just one such ...

Fish can be fooled – just like humans

Humans might have more in common with fish than previously thought, a new University of Queensland visual illusion study indicates.

Cats put sight over smell in finding food

Cats may prefer to use their eyes rather than follow their nose when it comes to finding the location of food, according to new research by leading animal behaviourists.

Why do consumers participate in 'green' programs?

From recycling to reusing hotel towels, consumers who participate in a company's "green" program are more satisfied with its service, finds a new study co-led by a Michigan State University researcher.

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