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35 years of data reveal economic inequality in the United States

University of Virginia economics professor James Harrigan is using more than 35 years of data to study economic inequality in the United States, seeking explanations and solutions for the rapidly widening chasm between the ...

US judge rejects deal for Google digital book plan

A US judge dealt a major setback on Tuesday to Google's plans for a vast digital library and online bookstore, rejecting a settlement hammered out by the Internet giant with authors and publishers.

Online ad revenue overtakes newsprint in China

China's revenue from online advertising was higher than the equivalent in newsprint for the first time in 2011, a study by the market research firm iResearch said, quoted in the Global Times Saturday.

YouTube, Disney close to deal: WSJ

Google-owned YouTube and Walt Disney Co. are close to finalizing a deal to distribute videos from Disney properties on the video-sharing website, The Wall Street Journal online reported on Monday.

Microsoft chief says China piracy very costly

Microsoft chief executive Steve Ballmer has said rampant software piracy in China has eaten into his company's revenue in what is soon to be the world's top PC market, a report said Friday.

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