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Study reveals why working poor think they are 'middle class'

The College of Human Ecology's Laura Tach and her co-authors must have trustworthy faces. Working-poor recipients of the Earned Income Tax Credit (EITC) in Boston divulged things they'd never tell the Internal Revenue Service ...

US judge weighs Google book copyright case

A federal judge Monday pointedly questioned attorneys for the Authors Guild in a long-running case on whether Google's book-scanning project violates copyright law.

NY Post blocks website access for iPad users

The New York Post has blocked access to its website from the iPad's Safari Web browser in a bid to drive users of Apple's tablet computer to the newspaper's paid application.

US newspaper circulation drops 8.74 percent

Circulation figures for US newspapers released Monday provided another dose of bad news for an industry that has seen a wave of bankruptcies, closures and cutbacks in newsrooms across the country.

French media want Google to pay for content

Leading French newspaper publishers called on the government on Tuesday to adopt a law to force Internet search engines such as Google to pay for content.

Orange 'forces Google' to pay for mobile traffic

The head of French telecoms operator Orange said on Wednesday it had been able to impose a deal on Google to compensate it for the vast amounts of traffic sent across its networks.

Abandoning websites: Are annoying ads good for business?

Most consumers have experienced online ads so garish, loud, or aggravating that they can't possibly be ignored. But a new study in the Journal of Marketing Research suggests that this way of forcing customer's attention may ...

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