How will public spaces change as result of the COVID-19 pandemic?

Restaurants, hair salons and retail businesses are reopening throughout the country—many under safety guidelines that call for outdoor seating at restaurants, social distancing, partitions between customers or between customers ...

Hazardous waste or edible food?

More drive and novel and creative solutions are needed in retailing to tackle bread waste. Lotta Alhonnoro, who will defend her doctoral dissertation at the University of Vaasa on Friday, 28 February, encourages grocery stores ...

Food-share apps seeking to help environment

Jack Convery pops into a London branch of Italian eatery Coco di Mama to grab a cut-price lunch ordered on his smartphone's food-sharing app Karma.

Promotional games at retail stores increase consumer spending

Shoppers who win retail discounts through scratch-off tickets or other games of chance are more likely to make a purchase, and spend more money, than customers offered standard discounts that apply to everyone, according ...

Police cam maker nixes facial recognition deployment

Police equipment manufacturer Axon said Thursday it decided against deploying facial recognition on its body cameras after an ethics review found the technology "is not yet reliable enough."

San Francisco ban highlights facial recognition fears

A ban on facial recognition for law enforcement in San Francisco highlights growing public concerns about technology which is seeing stunning growth for an array of applications while provoking worries over privacy.

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