Cooling massive objects to the quantum ground state

Ground state cooling of massive mechanical objects remains a difficult task restricted by the unresolved mechanical sidebands. Now researchers have proposed an optomechanically-induced-transparency cooling scheme to achieve ...

Degrading BPA with visible light and a new hybrid photocatalyst

Over the course of the last half century, BPA has gone from miracle to menace. Its popularity soared after the 1950s, when scientists discovered that it could be used to make polycarbonate plastic—a hard, durable, and transparent ...

White nanolight source for optical nanoimaging

Nanolight sources based on resonant excitons of plasmons near a sharp metallic nanostructure have attracted great interest in optical nanoimaging. However, the resonant phenomenon only works for one type of wavelength that ...

Getting to the core of a more nutritious apple

A new platform housing data from over 100 apple varieties could shave years off of the breeding process and enable data-driven assessments of how to boost the health benefits of America's favorite fruit.

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