Binary black hole spin behavior revealed using novel techniques

Research done at Cornell University has uncovered from gravitation wave data the first potential signs of spin-orbit resonances in binary black holes, a step toward understanding the mechanisms of supernovas and other big ...

Researchers develop new wireless power transfer technique

A wireless power transfer technique that uses miniaturised receivers suitable for real-world use has been demonstrated by researchers in Korea. Hyoungjun Kim and Chulhun Seo from Soongsil University used a metamaterial slab ...

Real-time observation of collective quantum modes

A cylindrical rod is rotationally symmetric - after any arbitrary rotation around its axis it always looks the same. If an increasingly large force is applied to it in the longitudinal direction, however, it will eventually ...

Cleaning up quantum devices

A paper, based on NPL collaborative research, has been published in the journal Physical Review Letters The work paves the way for the identification and elimination of small amounts of surface defects whose presence on the ...

Researchers harness the sun to produce hydrogen gas from water

A team of chemistry researchers at the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill has developed a unique approach to harnessing the sun's energy to produce hydrogen gas, a potential clean energy source, from water, according ...

Smallest cavity for light realized by graphene plasmons

Miniaturization has enabled technology like smartphones, health watches, medical probes and nano-satellites, all unthinkable a couple decades ago. Just imagine that in the course of 60 years, the transistor has shrunk from ...

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