Related topics: bacteria

Mapping E. coli to overcome antibiotic resistance

Antibiotic resistance, when infection-causing bacteria evolve so they are no longer affected by typical antibiotics, is a global concern. New research at the University of Tokyo has mapped the evolution and process of natural ...

Tablet-based vaccine prevents urinary tract infections in mice

Biomedical engineers at Duke University have developed a tablet-based vaccine for urinary tract infections (UTIs) that rapidly dissolves when placed under the tongue. The new treatment could offer an easy and practical alternative ...

Resistance genes mapped for drugs to treat parasitic worms

Drug resistance in parasitic worms poses a serious threat to global efforts to limit the significant health and economic impacts they have on people, pets and livestock. Researchers at the Wellcome Sanger Institute, the University ...

Antibiotic resistance testing no longer impeded by time

Significant time is needed to determine the drug susceptibility profile of a bacterial infection. Now, researchers from Nara Institute of Science and Technology and collaborating partners have published reports on a technology ...

The new compound that destroys the MRSA superbug

A compound that both inhibits the MRSA superbug and renders it more vulnerable to antibiotics has been discovered by scientists at the University of Bath led by Dr. Maisem Laabei and Dr. Ian Blagbrough.

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