Slow-binding inhibition of cholinesterases

Reversible inhibition of an enzyme, an activity in which the inhibiting molecular entity (often a small chemical called ligand or inhibitor) associates and dissociates from the protein's binding site, is a very fast process. ...

Fewer than one in 25 Seattleites can really eat locally

How many of Seattle's residents could live off food grown in their city? If abundant P-Patches and backyard gardens teeming with kale come to mind, you're like many residents who assume urban agriculture in Seattle could ...

The birth of 'infrastructural citizenship' in the United States

In one of the first case studies to examine how neighborhoods with different racial and economic makeups dealt with similar, unpopular highway construction projects in the 1970s, a researcher at Rice University's Kinder Institute ...

Encapsulated bacteriophages for enhanced oral phage therapy

Encapsulated bacteriophages are more resistant to low stomach pH and live longer in the intestinal tract of broilers. The research, published in Applied and Environmental Microbiology, was conducted jointly by the UAB Group ...

Sandy's impact lingers, particularly for children

Nearly three years after Hurricane Sandy, a new survey of New Jersey residents finds lingering effects on the mental health of residents, particularly children, in the path of the superstorm.

Backyards prove surprising havens for native birds

Many of us lavish attention on our front yards, spending precious weekend hours planting, mowing, and manicuring the plants around our homes to look nice for neighbors and strangers passing by. But from the point of view ...

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