Climate change quickly warming Scottish lochs: study

Climate change has caused a rapid and extensive rise in temperature in Scotland's lochs and reservoirs, according to research published on Tuesday that predicts the trend will continue if nothing is done.

Earth's water was around before Earth

To understand how life emerged, scientists investigate the chemistry of carbon and water. In the case of water, they track the various forms, or isotopes, of its constituent hydrogen and oxygen atoms over the history of the ...

Syria reservoir dries up for first time

Low rainfall, structural damage and extraction by struggling farmers have emptied a key reservoir in northwestern Syria, leaving it completely dry for the first time, farmers and officials told AFP.

The silent build-up to a super-eruption

It is estimated that about 5 to 10 volcanoes worldwide are capable of producing a super-eruption that could catastrophically affect global climate. One of these volcanoes hides below the waters of Lake Toba in Sumatra and ...

Researchers zero in on methane released from reservoirs

Methane is a potent greenhouse gas that accounts for about a fifth of today's global warming. In addition to methane emitted from livestock and other agricultural practices, the gas is also spewed from the production, transport, ...

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