Space weather satellite ICON on course for summer 2017 launch

NASA's newest space weather research satellite, the Ionospheric Connection Explorer, is on course for a summer 2017 launch after UC Berkeley scientists and their colleagues shipped its four instruments to Utah for testing, ...

An unlikely pair of satellites

Space research and exploration reaches across Earth's borders and boundaries, relying on collaboration between nations, disciplines and institutions.

NUS takes the quantum leap into space

Two satellites designed and built by students, researchers and faculty from the National University of Singapore (NUS) have been successfully launched from the Satish Dhawan Space Centre in Andhra Pradesh, India, on Wednesday, ...

NASA IMERG data Hurricane Sandra's heavy rainfall

Hurricane Sandra fizzled in the southern Gulf of California before moving ashore but on its journey north it was close enough to drop more than 2 feet of rainfall along part of the coast of western Mexico. Data from NASA's ...

High hopes ride on satellite start-up

UNSW aerospace engineering student Solange Cunin has a plan to make access to space easier and more affordable. She also hopes to boost Australia's nascent space industry.

UTSA geoscientists prepare for October trip to the Arctic

In October, UTSA College of Sciences faculty members Stephen Ackley and Blake Weissling wlll travel to the Arctic as a part of a project funded by the Office of Naval Research (ONR) to study the diminishing ice cover. The ...

Image: Vanguard satellite, 1958

One of the Vanguard satellites is checked out at Cape Canaveral, Florida in 1958. Vanguard 1, the world's first solar-powered satellite, launched on St. Patrick's Day (March 17) 1958. It was designed to test the launch capabilities ...

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