S.Korea urges Russia to send rocket parts swiftly

South Korea has urged Russia to send rocket parts as soon as possible so it can go ahead with an already-delayed satellite launch this month, an official said Tuesday.

European fish stocks to be counted

Counting every single fish in the European seas may sound as likely as finding a mermaid, but it seems the world of technology has no boundaries.

Amazon looks to get Kindle to schools, workers

(AP)—Amazon.com Inc. has launched a service to help schools and workplaces manage Kindles used by students and employees—sending out e-books or blocking certain types of activities, for example.

Home-grown electricity

Buildings may soon be able to generate their own electricity from roofs, walls, windows – even benchtops – that come with in-built solar power capabilities.

New report puts real numbers behind history of oyster reefs

In an effort to advance the field of coastal restoration, The Nature Conservancy and a team of scientists from more than a dozen management agencies and research institutions led by the University of Cambridge conducted an ...

Japan in first commercial satellite launch

Japan joined the commercial space race Friday after its workhorse rocket put a paid-for South Korean satellite into orbit, pitting the country against Russia and Europe in the competition for customers.

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