Russian troll farm aimed to discourage black US voters: study

The Russian troll farm that disrupted the 2016 US presidential election sought particularly to demoralize Africa-Americans and discourage them from voting, according to a comprehensive new report for the Senate.

From turkeys to turn-keys

Last week, millions of Americans unwrapped a shrink-wrapped turkey for Thanksgiving. If so, they owe thanks to electron beams, which made the shrink-wrapping possible. But the electron beam can do a lot more: It can sterilize ...

Frances Ross discusses witnessing nanostructure formation

Professor Frances Ross joined the MIT Department of Materials Science and Engineering this fall after a career of developing techniques that probe materials reactions while they take place. Formerly with the IBM Thomas J. ...

The social implications of teens leaving Facebook

For years, Facebook grew in size and influence at a staggering rate. But recent reports suggest its hold on users —particularly in the developed world —may be weakening.

Instagram ramps up battle against bullying

Instagram on Tuesday added more weapons to battle cyber bullying, using artificial intelligence to scan photos for abusive content at the Facebook-owned service.

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